Saturday, September 5, 2020

Dopamine fast;- This is what happened to me

Dopamine fast;- This is what happened to me

Dopamine fast;-  This is what happened to me

This dopamine fasting fad is created and being floated all over the internet.
 Dopamine is just a mechanism that elaborates on how addictions can become reinforced, and makes for a catchy title. 
Dopamine fasting is a misunderstanding but even before that, let us know about dopamine fasting and What happens when someone had dopamine fast.

With entertainment and distractions all on our fingertips. Whether its Netflix or Social media, We keep scrolling down the feed whenever we are feeling bored or we got some time. our smartphones help us a lot in these kinds of stuff.
My question is Why do we do those things which we already know aren't good for us and killing our time?
The answer is in our brain- Its because dopamine!! We like to scroll the feed and thus our boredom fades away. 

Want some dopamine;-

Dopamine fast;-  This is what happened to me

You see every time, We see Instagram or Facebook feed or watch something on Netflix or from other applications, Our brain hits some amount of dopamine.
We feel good whenever our brain produces Dopamine. So basically our brain is addicted to Dopamine and it will force us to repeat the process in order to gain the secretion of dopamine.
Every time when we are bored our brain signals us to go back to Instagram, or watch Netflix. Now, even if you want to focus on your goals or work, our brain didn't want it and All of a sudden we are in a battle with our brain in which most of the time we lost to our brain.
It sounds funny but it is relatable!!😉

Actually, it's very normal or you can say it mild addiction for something on a large scale or global scale.
These things create obstacles or prevent you from focussing on your goals. All facts are right here but we will talk upon it also that Is dopamine fasting is really a detox?

Dopamine fast for 24 hours;-

So I am gonna share my own experience of dopamine fasting which I had and for me its really easy. Only on the internet its a fad that's why I tried it.

Rules for dopamine fast:-

  • No source of entertainment or electronic (includes- Netflix, music, phone, laptop, video games)
  • No reading of any books such as novel (in my case)
  • No coffee or other stimulants

The thing I used to do for 24 hours are;-

  • Writing poems and stories
  • Meditation
  • Playing with balls on the terrace
  • Drinking water
  • Observing things
  •  Sketching
  • A deep thinking or visualizing things
It may seem crazy to follow rules especially in this lockdown scenario where you have gone through many rules. It feels like to be a monk but at the same time thinking about the fact that this is only for 24 hours, not an entire life makes me happy.😂

Why did I do this;-

For a real fact, I had done this only for my experience.
But what I had come across that I am not in a strong addiction to social media or anything that gives me a dopamine rush.
I want to know how my mind reacts without any external stimuli for a full day.

What happens next?

It was a little battle with my mind but it was easy for me.
My 24-hour dopamine fast which was 4 days ago was a fascinating experience and to be honest, I gained and ruled out many things in my life.
Also from the next morning, I am more attracted to the sky than the phone.
I would like to repeat it once a month.
My mind was really calm and I was able to meditate twice in a whole day.
It was truly amazing to admit that our mind is populated with many thoughts or things that we only read or observe during scrolling of social media.
In my entire day, my mind was focussed on the things which I love to do, and also I had studied for hours.
I was focussed to think about my problems and I had got really new insights about that.
Now coming to the fact that we had to follow the rules and strictly not eat anything is tough for me but 
I realized that we are wasting too much time on social media and watching movies on Netflix. Don't get me wrong here I will myself repeat these things again but now I will try to keep it secondary.
These entertainment is necessary but not for hours and hours in a day. We have so much time to do amazing things and get some valuable insights simply by thinking but we choke ourselves by weapons of social media and get addicted to fake pleasure that takes us away from the things we really desire or want to do.
I will not advise anything to anyone as I want to experience more by keeping myself distant from social media. But playing video games or watching Netflix for hours and hours is insane ( Need to accept it).
I will trade it and start with just one hour of use of social media in a day.

My thoughts;-

Dopamine fast;-  This is what happened to me

So many people across me talk about how overwhelm they are or how stressed they are or stuck in their life. but what people generally do at last numb their mind by watching episodes and episodes of web series and end up things like this.
We generally didn't think about our problems calmly instead we get frustrated too easily. we didn't give our mind a free space as it is overpopulated with images and cat videos or occupied with scenes of web series as a result we can't think or create something and also our problems remain unsolved.
I am not blaming the source of entertainment but I am accepting the facts and sharing it with you guys. Actually, when we observe things, we get to know that these sources of entertainment are designed to keep us addicted.
Some people can't even read 30 min of books in a row without scrolling social media and this is really a problem. These are my thoughts and I had done my dopamine fast just following a trend but I had realized many things.

Facts of dopamine fasting;-

Dopamine fast;-  This is what happened to me (SOURCE-

You can't fast from naturally occurring neurotransmitters. Dopamine is involved in our body systems for reward, motivation, learning, and pleasures. While dopamine rise in response to pleasurable tasks it doesn't lower down when the task is not done.
We need not to misinterpret the thing "Dopamine" as some addicting stuff like- cocaine and fasting of it gives us a tolerance break.
Fasting is simply a technique of reducing stress and get other aspects of life. We could practice Dopamine fasting for one or two hours or during our weekends and give our time to family.
This all sounds meaningful and helps us to be focussed on our goals. Actually, it is a mindfulness practice to and good sleep hygiene, in the suggestion of no screen time before bed. So don't misunderstand it by doing daily or force yourself to do it but you can practice it in a healthy manner.
But just for an experience, You can do it for 24 hours.

Now Do it yourself;-

As I have written all about my experience of dopamine fast.
I recommend you to do this just for an experience as it really gives amazing insights and keeps you focus for a day on your goals. It gives you the ability to do the things you desire.
Feel free to adjust some rules that intimidate you like- "No eating".
I highly encourage you to do this and see what comes up and let me know in the comment section if you are really planning for dopamine fast. 

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Right or wrong?

Right or wrong?

I am sharing a moment that I had with her.
It's been 2 months without her and I was completely shattered!! 
My interest in writing and bird watching makes me a loner.
My day was going good as I was sitting on the window and remembering about her with a cup of coffee.
All of a sudden my phone rang with the name popping "Boo bear".
Yeah, it was she only.
I call her boo bear,  just because she is cute and healthy like a bear.
After thinking for a minute, I pick up the call and I heard a sound of whimpering, I was worried and hankering to exude my feeling and say her "I love you" but I pretended strong in front of her and asked all fine?
She replied "no" I am not fine without you.
She apologized and ask me can you bring happiness in my life.
I said, what? Umm. I thought you were happy.
I tried to chill her mood but acting normally so that She didn't take any guess about my feeling.
Eventually, we started to talk and I again keep texting her like before but this time I was not the first as always I do.
She was too much confused and disturbed.
I felt bad for her for a moment but I somehow convinced myself to keep away from her and we continue to talk for a month.
All of a sudden on November 12 2017 approx 7 o'clock I got a popup message on WhatsApp as I have the custom notification for her so I simply open it in a hurry.
She said that she wants to ask something,  she told me that she was drunk and she is out with her friend as much I know about her she never used to drunk,  I rebuked her and told her not to drink too much.
Overmorrow at 3:00 a.m. my mobile rang up and I saw an unknown number was popping on the screen.
It was her best friend and she said that it "Megha" is out of control, she was wailing (I heard it as background noise).
She snatched the phone from her best friend and ask to hang up.
I rang her up again and ask her to utter whatever she wants to!!
She told me that she loves me once but never trusted.
She likes me and loves the thing I do for her but she said ''I am unable to understand her feeling''.
The next morning I woke up and decided to leave her forever.
 I tried harder and harder to leave her forever but the next day she texted me and told me that I am not her cup of tea.
 I chose to be quiet at that time. 
She was repeatedly saying sorry and asking me to leave as according to her she had created a mess in my life.
I was quite and I kept quiet forever.
I had received 50 texts and 30 calls and after that change my number as I had to switch the country without meeting her once.
She will never know what I feel for her.
Albeit she is a doctor now and working in a reputed hospital as a senior surgeon.
 I always kept stalking her and asking about her by her best friend.
In the end, I realized that she had lost me.
But my love will be always alive for her.

There are millions of unanswered questions in my mind but now I didn't want answer of anyone....... hahaha this might be shocking for her as I always keep asking.
I don't know you are reading or not but sending you lots of love and blessing my girl!!

I guess I was wrong
The once right
Yours's the wrong now I feel was right
The right went so wrong
I love wrongfully right.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

what is love?

What is love?

what is love?

How do you define love?
How do you begin?
come with me on this journey and explore,
The emotion of love that we all truly adore,
The emotion that we all seek to receive,
The emotion that makes us weak at knees.

An emotion that has been written about in music, stories, poetry
An emotion we have captured in paint,
An emotion we long for to hold and cherish.

Songwriters have written lyrics,
declaring their feeling of desire
Different Genres, ballads, Rock anthem, jazz, Rhythm and blues

Singing of Love for cars women and drink 
song making us remember,
Desire and think 
Music so light and pretty
Music that Rises slowly to a high crescendo
Music of passion devotion trust and loyalty

Artist take to brush to
Paint a picture clear  of woman walking on a bridge 
Parsol in hand,
Portraying the feeling of lust romanticism and fear
Of lovers dancing on the beach
leaving footprints in the sand

Poets create a picture with their words
Bringing to mind lust and Desire
Writing of feeling that matter
Making you cry, laugh 
Raising your emotion higher and higher
Using words that describe pain and hurt 
Word that charms and flatter

Throughout  the centuries we are beguiled by love,
How It hurts how it heals
The emotion love makes you  feel
how it is won, how it is lost
love at what price, what cost?
How we Desire love from each other
How we desire the love from our father and mother

How love can raise you up and let you down
How love can get a smile out of a frown
How love can be your freedom
And yet love can smoother
There  is no medium that can capture all the different aspect of love of each other

 love is unique
 love can be bleak
 love is scary 
 love can be weary
 love is strength
 love can be anytime any length
 love can be your guiding beacon
Each and every one of us feels love in some way 
How do you recognize love?
If love spoke to you
What would it say? 

Comment below your emotion.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

So can you get back to me?

So can you get back to me?

Tirrrringgggg....tiringgggg.... (ringing sound)
After full ring
Hello, No one is available to take your call, please leave a message after pressing star.

So can you get back to me?

It's um.. It's me.
I just wanted to say that, I miss you. (In a Whimpering sound)
I got to think yesterday and I ran across one of our old pictures and I almost tried to call.
Obviously, I didn't. So, now just leaving a voicemail.
I am still full of questions and I am not really sure if I will have enough time to ask them.

Do you ever wonder about me?
Like the way, I wonder about you.
I wonder if you are alright because last time we spoke you didn't seem alright but that's not my place anymore so, I can't ask.

Do you even think about what happened and wonder where we would be if it didn't?
I do but that probably makes me sound really crazy because I should just let you go, Right?
I should just drop everything I knew about you and pretend WE never ever happened?
Pretend I didn't approach you and try to build a bond that I know I messed up but I can't pretend that it didn't happen.

I saw so much going for you, You know?
So much positivity even though you never failed to push me back down.
I am not blaming you though and of course like every other voicemail, I practice it in my head this is not coming out the way that I wanted it to but I just wanna know...
Did you actually care about me or was it really just a game?
Like you befriended me and then it actually became legit and things both went wrong in our own lives and then you got stuck with me and then you decided you didn't need me anymore and you needed a reason.
You needed a reason to hate me, so you could just shut me out then I wouldn't be trying to call you, right? 
That's what it was, right?
Because I meant literally nothing to you and if that's not true then show me how it's not true because something like what we had doesn't just crash and burn after somebody mistake.

You are supposed to grow and you never let me grow and you are afraid to let show, aren't you?
You are afraid for everyone to know that you were the bad one.
It wasn't just me, but it's okay!!
Because one day they will all know we will just have to wait and see, won't we?
and after 3 months and a half, I found myself calling you memory and I never wanted that because I wanted us to last you know?
I wanted our future but you just didn't want that anymore.. But I guess, I understand and you can call me back if you want, the number should pop up in your missed call log. BYE.

It's not about my situation and yeah I am quite aware that voicemail can't be this much long😋 but let's have an imagination here!!
Thanks for reading😊

Saturday, August 8, 2020

what would happen if the world went vegetarian?

what would happen if the world went vegetarian?

what would happen if the world went vegetarian?

Ever asked yourself the journey of a steak from the farm to your plate? 
Most people probably have, but only few actually look up how pigs and cows are raised and killed in a closed system. 
Largescale-farming is even so brutal, that chickens live and die without seeing sunlight. 
Yes, you heard that right! 
Now that might not be the case with your local farm. 
But it’s reality in parts of the world where meat consumption is very high. Not only that, but cattle farms are also said to contribute their part to climate change, and that’s not so small. 

What if we would stop eating meat and dairy products? 

what would happen if the world went vegetarian?

Would that actually help us and the planet? 
Let's talk about the latest epic scenario!
Steaks, eggs, milk, and other animal products. 
From now on and forever, gone! 
No one in the world will ever eat these things again. You might enjoy a medium steak like nothing else. 
You may start your mornings with cereals and milk, but that’s all history. Because you’re a vegan! 
Never thought that would happen right? 
Let's say that every person in the world is a vegan from now on. That’ll make it easier for you too! 

What are the things that would change? 

what would happen if the world went vegetarian?

For one, scientists are claiming for years that cattle farms produce an enormous amount of methane. That’s the fart of a cow basically. Can't put it in easier words. 😉
In 2019 alone, there were a total of almost 95 million cattle and calves in the USA. You heard that right! 
And with so many animals, its understandable that they can also contribute a substantial amount to climate change! 
  • So if we would all go vegan, we would basically stop the animal contribution to climate change from 100% to close to zero! 
  • Cows and chickens will still be around, but they won't be raised to be processed to food! 
  • They`ll just live a normal life, like a dog or a cat. 
  • Pigs, cows, and chickens are also regularly fed with antibiotics. They don’t get it with an injection, but they put it in their food. 
  • This way farmers and large corporations ensure that the animals don’t get sick. 
However, scientists claim that bacteria and viruses have grown resistant to these antibiotics. Animals might still not get as sick as without it, but it is reported that the hormones alongside the antibiotics are still in the meat after they are processed and send to retail stores all across the country. 
Therefore when we eat the steak, we take up the substances that are made for animals into our bodies. 
And I guess you can imagine that this can't be good, no matter how you look at it! They are specifically designed to treat animals that run on a completely different structure. 
So when we eat it, it can cause us numerous different infections and diseases, including cancer. And nobody wants that! 
There are many non-animal protein sources that can easily substitute any sort of meat protein. 
You might have to eat more of it, but who wouldn't go that path for a healthier lifestyle? 
If you ever made chicken in a pan, you probably noticed how much water is pouring out of the meat. That shouldn’t be there in the first place! Companies fill-up the meat with water to make it heavier and appear tastier! Yikes! 

So are there any downsides to a vegan lifestyle?

what would happen if the world went vegetarian?

Start-ups are already hitting the market with veggie steaks, chicken nuggets and sausages. Cool right? 
The problem however is that the protein in these products comes from GMO vegetables. 
Even though headlines around GMO’s are very low, it is known that genetically modified organisms can also cause harm to you in the long-term. 
In the end, it's up to you to decide which path you want to go. Eating less meat is definitely not a bad thing, after all, you’re not only doing good for yourself, but also to the environment. 
Maybe switch to local farms for your number-one source of meat. 
It might be a bit more expensive than in the retail store, but at least you know the animals were treated much better than in any of the mega-farms you have seen on TV. 
This is all my opinion, No offense but you can give your opinion in the comment section.
Thanks for reading it. I will be again here, next Saturday!! 🌝

Saturday, August 1, 2020

What will happen if we decide to speak truth throughout our life

What will happen if we decide to speak truth throughout our life


What will happen if we decide to speak truth throughout our life

  • Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another. 
  • Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message, and a recipient. 
  • These include our emotions, the cultural situation, the medium used to communicate, and even our location.
Talking is our way of communication. We express words in a certain order that allows us to carry our message to the counterpart, this could be your friend, your mother or your teacher, Or anyone.

Can we really live without lying?

What will happen if we decide to speak truth throughout our life
(First lie detector test)

We all however have felt the need to change the truth in a way that fits our narrative. Mostly because we are either not comfortable with the truth or because we want to raise our reputation, towards one person or even a whole group. 

Say that from now on, we would not be allowed to lie or change the truth in any way. 

Can we really live without lying? 

And how difficult will the process be? 

what would happen if we would always speak the truth! 

Truth or dare?

Have you ever noticed someone lying to your face? 

Then you know how uncomfortable that can be, especially when that person is a friend. It's not exactly the type of thing you would like to encounter every day. There are more meaningful things to enjoy on a day-to-day basis. 

what would happen if we always speak the truth? 

What will happen if we decide to speak truth throughout our life

For this fictional scenario, let's say that the government is punishing any lie with life sentence. 

Because that’s the only way you can make this situation happen. 

Lying is often used to make things easier. Instead of telling the whole story in detail, which is the truth, we short it and save words here and there, maybe add some of the things that you would like others to think of you in it, and congrats, you managed to bend the truth. 

  • If we stop lying, we will definitely make conversations longer, and although it might make sense in a way that people are more engaging and listening to each other, it might well be the case that we’ll cause unnecessary boredom. 
  • Because humans are often not interested in truth, they actually enjoy being lied to, but that’s not the case for anyone.
  • Lying can and will add excitement to every story. 
  • You can basically turn an encounter with someone into a story and add anything you like just so people enjoy listening to you.
  •  That will not only raise your popularity, but also give you more opportunities. 

If we would always speak the truth, it can also cause harm. 

  • Think of it, by always speaking the truth, you are constantly opening yourself up for criticism because you’re telling every bit of negative thoughts you have when you’re asked about it. 
  • And since your counterpart is also always speaking the truth, you will ultimately engage in many word battles. 
  • That’s especially the case when your counterpart is the exact opposite, like an extrovert or introvert. Or an agreeable and disagreeable person. 

There is however also a light at the end of the tunnel. 

  • After the law is passed, there will definitely be some time in which people will face judgment, punishment from their friends & families for things that they have or haven’t done or in rarer cases, reward. 
  • But by exposing the burdens that have held people back, you are effectively starting a process in which truth comes to the forefront of every person. 
  • That means things like corruption or exploitation could well come to an end. 
  • Since everyone is speaking the truth, politicians will have a hard time hiding things from the public

Simultaneously, people will always know exactly the stance of every person on different topics. There will still be different ideas and ways of thinking, especially at the opposite sides. 

But at least you’ll know exactly what everyone’s up to. 

  • Consequently, you can identify a good person and a bad person more easily than before, and you can play your cards accordingly. 
  • You’ll always know the intentions of any political party. 


What will happen if we decide to speak truth throughout our life
You might find yourself in a bit of a difficult situation in the beginning.
Nonetheless, you just found out that your best friend thinks your dog is ugly and not worthy to be loved. That’s hurtful. 

But that’s his opinion. And as long as it doesn’t cause any harm or stands in the way of the greater good, it should be perfectly fine. There will never be a scenario in which everybody has the same opinion. And that’s good. You might think bad of him for some time, but there’s no need to end your friendship.

Let me know in the comment section below what you think of this scenario. Also tell me have you ever noticed someone lying to your face?🤣

 Thanks for reading!🙂

Saturday, July 25, 2020

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next


  1. What is evolution?
  2. What would be the next animal after humans?
  3. Is it ants to dominate the earth?


If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

Evolution is a change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. These characteristics are the expressions of genes that are passed on from parent to offspring during reproduction.
We could stand on two legs run really fast make friends and start a fire the many benchmarks that our planet requires to kick-start a civilization but unfortunately for us in this hypothetical situation we've just been swatted away by the unfathomable will of the universe. 

If humans went extinct?

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

Today we curiously ask the question if humans weren't extinct what would replace us roll the clip for the curious amongst you that clip was of course from the resounding 2011 movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes where Caesar finally found his voice and told humanity that their time had come over here on planet Earth which of course probably leads us to our first the most important opening point obviously the likeliest candidate to be the animal that replaced our species following a mass extinction event would be our closest relatives and it doesn't really take that much imagination to perhaps envisioning a world similar to the Planet of the Apes series where unless you're an unfortunate time-traveling human astronaut caught in a wormhole there shouldn't be any concern for being rounded up captured and put in a cage by a new ape overlords given the fact.
We had already been dead the fact of the matter is humankind is the only current living hominid whose conservation status is not already endangered or worse than that critically endangered across the planet the animal kingdom is under imminent threat from the ever-expanding megalith of human civilization and the delicate environs and eCos fears that the likeliest contenders to inherit the earth currently residing are under increasing amounts of pressure in all likelihood the kind of global crisis that would precede a mass extinction event of humanity would also wipe out pretty much every species on the planet apes included in fact a bonobo and chimpanzee contenders would be just as likely to contract a population destroying disease as we humans would be however that doesn't mean that there aren't many other choice contenders to perhaps take the next top spot for planet Earth's most dominant species obviously for the sake of this hypothetical argument.

What animal would dominate next?

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

We will agree that there was no apocalyptic event that heralded a demise and humanity just kind of disappeared overnight not with a bang but a whimper because then that leaves us with so many more options and as they say variety is the spice of life but first we'll have to map out just exactly what it may take to clamber to the top of the evolutionary pile in detail the specific earthly requirements that precede it if we use our own evolutionary track record we know that there are roughly three or four key elements for a species to make its way towards some form of sentient success on earth main 
one being that they need to have a long enough lifespan to see the fruit of their labor grow that means don't worry about the creatures of the deep ocean crawling from the depths and taking over because did you know the average lifespan of an octopus is between three to five years and on the path toward sentience and civilization that's a pretty bum deal first off there needs to be some kind of capacity for sociability.
Our ancestors quickly learned that being the loner of the group didn't tend to result in any kind of continued survival particularly in the latter stages of our pursuit toward humanity the ability to socially interact with other members of our species led toward a sense of shared cooperation and with cooperation came success social cues and some form of expression recognition led to tools hunting-gathering and eventually agriculture and the dawn of civilization that means that particularly here pack animals such as canines and some felines and other species such as otters and beavers have an immediate advantage.
Obviously apes are also included on this list but come on those guys are already cheating next up the ability for physical manipulation is of critical importance the sociable path toward tool-making of farming is worthless if you don't have the appendages to contribute toward forced multiplication dexterity and motor skills aren't absolute must for any current species that hopes to fill the space left behind by humanity and again apes already have this market pretty much cornered however traditional hands and fingers aren't the only requirement as theoretically any form of extended appendage can do the trick an elephant's trunk even an octopus tentacle would work the most likely candidates here though other than the Apes are those with some form of opposable thumb this could be anything from an opossum a koala bear , a giant panda, a red panda or hell even most types of frog also otters again fit into this category and arecute hand-holding friends are quickly becoming the hot new favorite speaking of hot there's perhaps another major leap that a new earth lieutenants would need and unless they've got a Perseus of their own to steal fire from the gods the ability to strike a flint and tinder is a checkbox that need to be ticked you see unless the chemical composition of our planet changed during the events of this hypothetical situation somewhere down the line and new species is going to have to learn how to make a campfire and that pretty much eliminates any aquatic or semi aquatic species unless they're in the business of figuring out some other method of physical combustion again this is where the Apes are cornering the market as there are already instances where bonobos can light fires with ease although with butane lighters and then fryan egg for dinner yeah like I said guys they're pretty overpowered the fact of the matter is if we disappeared tomorrow ape relatives are probably a few thousand years away from reaching a similar journey toward levels of sentience if left enough alone .
However, there is one hypothetical instance where a much much smaller creature than an ape would perhaps find their way through them in a field that is an evolutionary success given enough time of course after the dinosaurs were wiped out the small shrew-like road and the previously skittered beneath the feet of the great reptilian creatures became the first mammal to step forward in a new age of evolution eventually giving rise to every other successful land mammal of the animal kingdom and every power slaves in the shoes of dinosaurs 

Animal that would dominate next- Is it ants?

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

What would we see when we look down ants a species of insect belonging to the order Hymenoptera that just so happened to tick quite a few of our boxes when it comes to evolutionary success that also seems to exhibit fascinating traits that segue many of the parameters required to become a dominant species here on earth.

Obviously, ants are small in fact very very small but just like that tiny shrew evolution has a pretty successful habit of finding a way maybe after Humanity is long long gone even after our nearest mammalian relatives gave civilization a shot after several millennia of strange perplexing epochs ace species that evolved from their distant ancestor at the ant would be sat at their desk clicking their thorax spindled fingers against a keyboard trying to answer this very same question now that's quite a thought isn't it well there we have it a very long and very short answer to the question if humans weren't extinct what would replace us in all likelihood it would be Apes although ants have a pretty decent shot given a long enough time what do you guys think do you agree or disagree or do you see it some other way entirely let me know your thoughts down in the comment section.