Sunday, May 17, 2020

FOUR WHEELS :The country’s present is hanging in balance!

If your vehicle is vibrating at high-speed or if you are shaking at your seat then you most likely need your wheels balanced.
If one out of front tires is out of balance you will feel the vibration in your steering wheels. If it's a back tier you will feel the vibration in your seat.
When any one tier is out of balance, it slams into the road many times. And if all four wheels are balanced then you will experience the smooth ride. In the same way India scenario is well-balanced by four wheels.


We are well known with this pandemic scenario (COVID-19) which is going on and for now this virus is spreading. On the front line between a nervous public and those who are responsible for managing the national response, the healthcare workers are standing for us on whom we totally rely upon. Doctors, nurses, carers, and paramedics around the whole world are facing a bizarre workload in scant health facilities and with no end in sight. They are working in stressful and frightening work environments as they are under-protected, overworked, and are themselves vulnerable to infection. They are facing separation from their families, their loved ones, and also mental stress. 



But on the other side of the front line, our administration department policemen are also working hard day and night just to implement the laws as some dumb people were not getting the severity of the situation. So just to keep our people safe they are enforcing us to stay at home. India’s police are mostly criticized for its brutality and bribery. It creates a little trust in the eyes of the common people. But the coronavirus crisis and the subsequent lockdown has brought out a reverse, compassionate side of them. It is this combined image of personnel in uniform singing and dancing for the troubled public, helping poor people by feeding them, attending calls of students for assistance, and also helping migrants that can help change people’s perception of them. We should be thankful to them for this.



Now I would like to tell you about municipal corporations these days who are working as back tiers. Many municipal officials also could not stay home. Trash, and recycling collectors and many others have to be in the streets on work. The corporation is helping in conducting a door to door survey on coronavirus and collecting the information.  They are also emphasizing the mask-wearing who are out for any purpose. They have increased frequency and intensity of cleaning all sites, including regular sanitization of door handles, Touch screens, scanners, cameras, and other frequently touched areas, and they also use to spray disinfectant across many areas regularly. They are helping the government by ensuring the delivery of grains, pulses, etc to needy peoples. 



Like them as a back tier only to minimize the outbreak of COVID-19 and to encourage social distancing many companies had announced mandatory work from home and sending their employees home to work remotely. Whether it is IT companies, media and communication, bankers, education, customer support. I will say many more of them are working from home despite facing difficulty in communication or feeling isolated from their colleagues (teamwork) or mental stress, they are serving us. So that we can easily withdraw the money from the ATM, we can easily surf the internet, we can easily order our necessary things online. During this economic crisis employers are focused on maintaining continuity and productivity at the same time preventing operation grinding to a halt.


Lastly we all know that we all have extra tires in our car used in an emergency. Social activists are one of them who are distributing free food among the needy during ongoing nationwide lockdown. They are feeding stray animals on roads. They keep motivating our front liners and also taking care of our entertainment. 
You may be someone who is coping well in these times and this is great but some people are struggling with the symptoms of poor mental health due to rising anxiety and the monotony of current life. For them, some people who are running helpline numbers. They are assisting people to maintain good mental health. 



I know you are amazing and contributing invaluably as key workers in supporting our nation through this pandemic. We should keep supporting all our five wheels who are there for us. Also it is our utmost duty to support and thanks to our front liners. It is only everyone’s collective effort that keeps humanity alive. 
Please remember to take care of yourself and ensure you do all to keep both mind and body healthy in this crisis.
Thank you for being you.

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17 Comments to "FOUR WHEELS :The country’s present is hanging in balance!"

shaswat said...


Unknown said...

Quite appreciable💛

Unknown said...

Great 🙏
Quite appreciable💛

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Ma'am ur blog is supbb as always!! But how.. howwww...u related five important wheels of a vehicle with these warriors of present situation is REMARKABLE !!! Seriously !!!👍😍

Aditya gupta said...

I really appreciate this thought
I like this blog.

Aditya gupta said...

I really appreciate this thought.
I like this blog.

Life Fundass said...

Hey Sanskriti, I used to read your all blogs and this one is one of the best blog so far, the topic is quite catchy and the way you presented, it's really awesome it seems you put great effort.... Loved to read🙂


thanks to all of you for this appreciation it really matters me a lot!!

Prince shubham said...

The way you presented this is remarkable.

Prince shubham said...

The way you presented this remarkable.
Great job.

Prince shrivastava said...

Bohot hi sundr rachna h aapki
Pdhh ke anand aa gya
Hamesha aisehii acche acche Articles likhte rhe .

$!Π¶#-!$-|{!Π¶ said...

Appreciable step to encourage Covid warriors, Nice work........

$!Π¶#-!$-|{!Π¶ said...

Nice blog... Keep it up

Uttkarsh said...


Unknown said...

Good idea I recommend this article

Unknown said...

Stupendous work!! 🔥🔥
Your researches are so satisfying.👏👏