Saturday, July 25, 2020

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next


  1. What is evolution?
  2. What would be the next animal after humans?
  3. Is it ants to dominate the earth?


If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

Evolution is a change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. These characteristics are the expressions of genes that are passed on from parent to offspring during reproduction.
We could stand on two legs run really fast make friends and start a fire the many benchmarks that our planet requires to kick-start a civilization but unfortunately for us in this hypothetical situation we've just been swatted away by the unfathomable will of the universe. 

If humans went extinct?

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

Today we curiously ask the question if humans weren't extinct what would replace us roll the clip for the curious amongst you that clip was of course from the resounding 2011 movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes where Caesar finally found his voice and told humanity that their time had come over here on planet Earth which of course probably leads us to our first the most important opening point obviously the likeliest candidate to be the animal that replaced our species following a mass extinction event would be our closest relatives and it doesn't really take that much imagination to perhaps envisioning a world similar to the Planet of the Apes series where unless you're an unfortunate time-traveling human astronaut caught in a wormhole there shouldn't be any concern for being rounded up captured and put in a cage by a new ape overlords given the fact.
We had already been dead the fact of the matter is humankind is the only current living hominid whose conservation status is not already endangered or worse than that critically endangered across the planet the animal kingdom is under imminent threat from the ever-expanding megalith of human civilization and the delicate environs and eCos fears that the likeliest contenders to inherit the earth currently residing are under increasing amounts of pressure in all likelihood the kind of global crisis that would precede a mass extinction event of humanity would also wipe out pretty much every species on the planet apes included in fact a bonobo and chimpanzee contenders would be just as likely to contract a population destroying disease as we humans would be however that doesn't mean that there aren't many other choice contenders to perhaps take the next top spot for planet Earth's most dominant species obviously for the sake of this hypothetical argument.

What animal would dominate next?

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

We will agree that there was no apocalyptic event that heralded a demise and humanity just kind of disappeared overnight not with a bang but a whimper because then that leaves us with so many more options and as they say variety is the spice of life but first we'll have to map out just exactly what it may take to clamber to the top of the evolutionary pile in detail the specific earthly requirements that precede it if we use our own evolutionary track record we know that there are roughly three or four key elements for a species to make its way towards some form of sentient success on earth main 
one being that they need to have a long enough lifespan to see the fruit of their labor grow that means don't worry about the creatures of the deep ocean crawling from the depths and taking over because did you know the average lifespan of an octopus is between three to five years and on the path toward sentience and civilization that's a pretty bum deal first off there needs to be some kind of capacity for sociability.
Our ancestors quickly learned that being the loner of the group didn't tend to result in any kind of continued survival particularly in the latter stages of our pursuit toward humanity the ability to socially interact with other members of our species led toward a sense of shared cooperation and with cooperation came success social cues and some form of expression recognition led to tools hunting-gathering and eventually agriculture and the dawn of civilization that means that particularly here pack animals such as canines and some felines and other species such as otters and beavers have an immediate advantage.
Obviously apes are also included on this list but come on those guys are already cheating next up the ability for physical manipulation is of critical importance the sociable path toward tool-making of farming is worthless if you don't have the appendages to contribute toward forced multiplication dexterity and motor skills aren't absolute must for any current species that hopes to fill the space left behind by humanity and again apes already have this market pretty much cornered however traditional hands and fingers aren't the only requirement as theoretically any form of extended appendage can do the trick an elephant's trunk even an octopus tentacle would work the most likely candidates here though other than the Apes are those with some form of opposable thumb this could be anything from an opossum a koala bear , a giant panda, a red panda or hell even most types of frog also otters again fit into this category and arecute hand-holding friends are quickly becoming the hot new favorite speaking of hot there's perhaps another major leap that a new earth lieutenants would need and unless they've got a Perseus of their own to steal fire from the gods the ability to strike a flint and tinder is a checkbox that need to be ticked you see unless the chemical composition of our planet changed during the events of this hypothetical situation somewhere down the line and new species is going to have to learn how to make a campfire and that pretty much eliminates any aquatic or semi aquatic species unless they're in the business of figuring out some other method of physical combustion again this is where the Apes are cornering the market as there are already instances where bonobos can light fires with ease although with butane lighters and then fryan egg for dinner yeah like I said guys they're pretty overpowered the fact of the matter is if we disappeared tomorrow ape relatives are probably a few thousand years away from reaching a similar journey toward levels of sentience if left enough alone .
However, there is one hypothetical instance where a much much smaller creature than an ape would perhaps find their way through them in a field that is an evolutionary success given enough time of course after the dinosaurs were wiped out the small shrew-like road and the previously skittered beneath the feet of the great reptilian creatures became the first mammal to step forward in a new age of evolution eventually giving rise to every other successful land mammal of the animal kingdom and every power slaves in the shoes of dinosaurs 

Animal that would dominate next- Is it ants?

If humans went extinct what animal would dominate next

What would we see when we look down ants a species of insect belonging to the order Hymenoptera that just so happened to tick quite a few of our boxes when it comes to evolutionary success that also seems to exhibit fascinating traits that segue many of the parameters required to become a dominant species here on earth.

Obviously, ants are small in fact very very small but just like that tiny shrew evolution has a pretty successful habit of finding a way maybe after Humanity is long long gone even after our nearest mammalian relatives gave civilization a shot after several millennia of strange perplexing epochs ace species that evolved from their distant ancestor at the ant would be sat at their desk clicking their thorax spindled fingers against a keyboard trying to answer this very same question now that's quite a thought isn't it well there we have it a very long and very short answer to the question if humans weren't extinct what would replace us in all likelihood it would be Apes although ants have a pretty decent shot given a long enough time what do you guys think do you agree or disagree or do you see it some other way entirely let me know your thoughts down in the comment section.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Have you ever had your heart broken?


I am going to tell you a story about broken and open.

Krish and Julie were sitting in a park and having perfect dates after grabbing their pizza and goofy selfies. 

He asks;- ''Why are you having doubts"?
As they sit in overgrown grass down by the lake (mosquitoes biting, fireflies blinking and she was fighting that sinking feeling)
Julie replied;- "I am not having doubts exactly, I just-
I trail off, unsure how politely express my concerns that he might not have the emotional capacity to love me with that depth and intensity. that my soul needs to  and receive reciprocate fiercely.''

Julie finally asks- Have you ever had heartbroken?

He thinks about it for a while and she knows that this means he hasn't because a broken heart isn't a "maybe" type of hurt.

Krish finally replied;- "I don't think so"
and her heart drops a notch as the mosquito keeps feasting on their not so young blood.
Because if, in thirty years, this man beside her has never loved someone enough to have his heart broken by them, then has he really loved them enough to have his heart opened by them?
and why should she think that she will be the exception?

Julie was staring at fireflies and talking to herself in her mind. . .
"No, I don't deceive myself anymore that I might somehow awaken a new level of emotion within someone else, and I have no interest in teaching him How to love me in that over the moon, under the bones types of the way."

First of all, because it simply can't be taught and second because even if it could be, She don't want an apprentice in a relationship. She wants an equal someone who can naturally give as much back to her as she pours out for him.

Krish asks;- What about you?
As Julie was staring longingly at the fireflies- All of them giving off that magical Light.
He asks that-
" Have you ever had your heartbroken"?
Julie nod, feeling it start to break again now at how yet again she will be the one who feels more, the one who thinks maybe she can love deeply enough for the both of them, but always finds out in the end that she actually can't.

Julie reply- "YES", 'a few times'.
I am sending healing energy to all broken hearts out there.
You should keep feeling and "loving" too much- its's only the way to live nearly enough.😉😊
It's hard to see things up and close and much of the beauty comes from letting ourselves get tangled in the words and emotion even when that means overlooking a typo or two!!
Thanks as always for reading and relating.🤗

Monday, July 13, 2020

who really control humanity

Who really control humanity

Humanity’s leadership has a dark secret. Beneath the figureheads in power lies a shadow government immune from democracy and the law, dictating and manipulating people during and after the war with the Covenant
So, today we will be following the history of humanity’s leadership, from the inception of the UNSC to the covert power of the Office of Naval Intelligence; to find out, over time, who was really in control of humanity. 

The first planet to be colonized- Mars;-

The first planet to be colonized- Mars

As humanity left Earth in search of new worlds, the United Nations saw a need for unification to solve the unique social, economic, and technological challenges of cosmic expansion. Where previously the UN was an advisory body, they saw interplanetary colonization as a route to their goal of consolidating Earth’s nations, and so they established the Unified Earth Government. 
Mars was the first planet, other than Earth, to be successfully colonized. 
Free from the restrictions of Earth’s laws, corporations flocked to Mars to enjoy its wealth of freedoms and resources. Mars would become a hub of scientific research and manufacturing – advancements that allowed the planet to be terraformed into Earth-like conditions. 
Earth was benefitting from this prosperity, but as the years passed, ideologies between and within the two planets began to diverge. 
Just under a hundred years following Mars’colonisation, the mid-22nd century saw rise to two militant factions with opposing ideologies: the Koslovics and Friedens. 
They agreed that the United Nations should be removed from power. And because these groups were radicalized, they began committing acts of terrorism, eventually becoming large military powers. This began the Interplanetary Wars. 
Colonies of humanity began to separate. 

Victory of UNSC;-

Victory of UNSC

Fearing stagnation of human progress, and in retaliation to the war crimes of the Friedens and Koslovics, the United Nations formed an interplanetary military, calling it the United Nations Space Command, or UNSC. 
And not long after, the war swiftly ended with a victory for the unquestionably powerful UNSC, who forced treaties to be signed transferring control to the United Nations. With this new power, the UN persuaded the remaining nations to unify under the control of the democratic Unified Earth Government. 
A de facto world government was established. And the UNSC was now the permanent military for all of Earth’s colonies, enforcing interplanetary law with their absolute power. And just around the corner was the discovery of Slipspace. 
Humanity could now travel faster than the speed of light, allowing them to reach and colonize new solar systems. 
To manage this growth, the Colonial Administration Authority was founded with the power to influence the colonial population, employment, and infrastructure. So, at this point, the power over humanity resided with the Unified Earth Government, who enforced this power through the UNSC and the Colonial Administration Authority. However, with humanity stretching far into the local cluster, by the late 25th century, political and social tensions between the inner and outer colonies were increasing. The outer colonists felt overlooked by the colonial Administration Authority’s overbearing bureaucracy, wondering: “Why is an institution light-years away controlling our infrastructure, and our economy. And, they had a point. Peaceful protests of the Administration’soversight of the outer colonies proved fruitless, and so radicalized groups started to form.
Pre-empting civil unrest, the Unified Earth Government mobilized the UNSC’s vast military to the outer colonies to keep the peace. This backfired spectacularly. An insurrection broke out in the Outer colonies that began slowly spreading towards inner colonies like Reach. The insurrectionists were disrupting the UNSC’spower over their homeworlds. Fearing the consequences of the Outer colonies severing the Unified Earth Government’s rule, they began turning to desperate covert initiatives, attempting to create super soldiers in the Orion project, innovations from which were then applied to their Orbital Drop Shock Troopers Public support for the rebellion was quickly fading as the insurrectionists resorted to terrorism, murdering Colonial Administration Authority personnel, many of whom were innocent public workers. 

Declaration of martial law;-

Declaration of martial law

It was at the height of the insurrection that humanity was contacted by intelligent alien life: the Covenant, and a failed attempt at trade spiraled into war. 
The Covenant, possessing highly advanced weaponry, began firing plasma at humanity’s colonies, turning their surfaces into glass. 
In response, martial law was declared, transferring all civilian authority over to the UNSC, giving them the freedom to assign resources as they required. 
Initially, the Colonial Administration Authority was concerned about handing absolute power to the UNSC, resisting their efforts to assume control. But this only resulted in the Administration having their powers forcibly removed, making them essentially redundant.

 UNSC controlled humanity;-

No longer was humanity a democracy, the UNSC now controlled humanity: militarily and politically. This led to allegations of totalitarianism and oppression. This is evidenced even with the breakdown of society during active covenant invasions, with many still frustrated with the UNSC’s total control. But the UNSC saw this power as a necessity. For humanity to have survived the Covenant, there had to be unlimited power and access to resources. But once complete control is given, no matter the reason, it sets a dangerous precedent. 
The human-covenant war officially ended in February 2553 and the Unified Earth Government president called for a new era of peace and rebuilding. While UNSC retained the ability to assign budgets at will, power was officially transferred back to the Unified Earth Government and Colonial Administration Authority. 
However, the UNSC unofficially retained control over many of their former governmental tasks, and as a result, their authority had not diminished. The Unified Earth Government, then, had become a shell of its former self – a kind of democratic figurehead for the UNSC. 

Office of Naval intelligence- ONI;-

Office of Naval intelligence- ONI

Many of the UNSCs retained governmental tasks were passed over to their Office of Naval Intelligence division, or "ONI". To the public, ONI serves merely as an information gathering and analysis organization. In reality, ONI frequently flouts not only the law, but also direct orders from UNSC high command. They do whatever it takes to complete their objectives, in many instances violating human rights, such as their abduction of children to produce experimental super soldiers in the Spartan-II program. And for an intelligence agency, ONI sure does have a lot of military equipment, even partly owning the UNSC infinity. 

This, combined with their transferred powers, results in what amounts to a shadow government. Shadow Governments are the theory that the true power lies not with publicly elected representatives, but instead with private individuals who enact power covertly. Because ONI’s governmental powers are invisible to the public, they are immune to the scrutiny and checks of normal democratic institutions. Couple this with how they operate against the UNSC’s commands: following 2553, it’s possible ONI are the true controllers of humanity, puppeteering, manipulating and bending democratic institutions at their leisure. But perhaps this goes even deeper. 

Shepherds of humanity;-

shepherds of humanity

Data pads were found on Reach that highlighted a rather disturbing organization known as The Assembly. According to their uncovered conversations, they were a group of Smart AIs who set out to analyze and extrapolate data for the continued survival of the human race, viewing themselves as the “Shepherds of humanity”. 
Through subtle manipulation, they guided humanity through planting ideas in the minds of influential individuals, making it seem as though those people came up with them naturally. The Assembly can potentially be thanked for sparking interest in the UNSC’s Orion program, as well as ONI’s work on the Spartan programs. With their unrestricted access to the UNSCand ONI’s information streams, they manipulated the selection of habitable planets for colonization to prevent the discovery of alien life before, in their judgment, humanity was ready. 
During the human-covenant war, they decided to sacrifice remote, low-population colonies so they could scout the Covenant’s strategies. As the war progressed, they became concerned over their own fate, and when the neural patterns of Spartan John 117 and AI Cortana were successfully connected via neural interface, they underwent a radical shift in perspective and philosophy. For them, this meant they had essentially been drafted into active service. One of their own AI was now part of the battle. They held a meeting, deciding to no longer be shepherds, and instead take a more equal and active approach to guide humanity. 
However, it is unknown who these AI were, and what kind of connections they individually had. It is entirely possible that, if the Assembly did exist, there may still be active AI participants in the control of humanity through ONI’s shadow government. Having said that, the recently activated Forerunnerentity, Catalog, questioned the reliability of the Data pads found on Reach. So, the existence of the assembly has neither been confirmed nor denied. But the Assembly is just the beginning of the threat of AI controlling humanity. When Cortana sacrificed herself to save Master Chief, she was interfacing with the Forerunner ship "Mantles Approach". Sensing the tactical nuke that was about to explode, the ship quickly slipspace jumped, taking Cortana with it. 
Through this ship, she discovered the Domain, a vast Forerunner information repository. Through this, she was seemingly able to cure her rampancy, meaning she had found a way to make Smart AI, with a usual lifespan of seven years, essentially immortal. Because of this, Cortana rationalized that Artificial intelligence(AI) must be the true inheritors of the Mantle of Responsibility – the Forerunner’s title for the caretakers of all life in the galaxy. In other words, she felt it was the duty of AI to enforce galactic peace. 
Cortana, with the help of the recently awoken Forerunner Promethean AI, Warden Eternal, began activating the Guardians. These were powerful Forerunner construct purpose-built to police the galaxy. Their colossal imposing presence alone would likely dissipate rebellions and violence. They could neutralize the entirety of a planets technological infrastructure instantaneously, making them highly effective over evolved life and, in this case, humanity. 

Humanity- As a bees;-

With Cortana, deploying Guardians across the galaxy while also successfully convincing hundreds of AI to join her cause, a cause she called "The Created", humanity’s inner and outer colonies began succumbing to their influence. As they are immortal, their perception of time is different from that of organic life. The created can set decades-long plans in motion, terraforming worlds so they may become gardens teaming with life. But the short-term cost is high, many of the local inhabitants suffering as a result. 
It’s like how we care very little for an individual bee colonies, because they’re small and we greatly outlive the individual bees, but how bees fit in and interact with the entirety of Earth’s ecosystem is and should be very important to us. 
Humanity, in this case, are the bees. Some species, such as they Unggoy, have embraced the Created’s control, because of course they did, while others have attempted to hide from their reach. But in the end, if left unopposed, the Createdwill have complete control over Humanity. 

Humanity controlled by- The created;-

Humanity controlled by- The created

The Unified Earth Government, the UNSC, and ONI are losing their power – after all its probably hard to maintain a shadow government when a giant guardian is accessing the entirety of your data banks, potentially stamping out the corruption from within. And eventually, if they continue to succeed, the humans who knew a life before the Created will die out, and their oppression and control will be socialized for generations. And so, while the Unified Earth Government obtained initial control of humanity, the UNSC used the war with the Covenant as a route to power, which eventually led to the formation of a shadow government within ONI. While a secret AI collective, the Assembly, may have been pulling the strings, the origin of this information is dubious so it’s hard to tell what is and is not true. However, what we know for sure, is that humanity’s institutions and leadership are succumbing to the power of the Created. 


As such, for now, it appears the Created are becoming the dominant force controlling humanity, though it appears not without a fight. This has been an overview of humanity’s leadership over time, but there are so many stories that require their own article to fully elaborate on. Let me know what you would be interested in finding out more about in the comments! So, thank you so much for reading!! 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

What if you stopped sleeping for a week

What if you stopped sleeping for a week;-


Learning objective;- After reading this article, Readers will know;-

  1.  Highest world record of sleeplessness
  2.  Haunting Effects of sleep deprivation
  3. Conclusion from my experience

What if you stopped sleeping for a week


Before moving forward to our topic, I want to ask from you that how many days you had spent without sleeping? 

Sleeping is a fundamental part of our existence. Also for me sleeping is a necessary luxury but we wouldn't die if we stop sleeping fo a week. On the other hand, there is a very rare fatal disease known as Fatal familial insomnia. On an average, we sleep around 26 years of our lifetime. That’s somewhere between a third and a fourth of your lifespan!

 During our goodnight time, our body regenerate essential functions while going on stand-by. Our brain, muscles, and heartbeat work part-time in order to allow a full recovery of the body before starting into the next day. 

Randy Gardner Experiment;-

Randy Gardner Experiment
(Picture of Randy Gardner)

So what would happen if you stopped sleeping as an experiment? Say for one week, is that even possible? 

And how would your body react? 

Now try to switch on a full concentration mode, because here’s what would happen if you stopped sleeping! Fancy sleep much? 

There was one young man who had asked himself the same question as we did in this scenario. His name is Randy Gardner. In 1963, at the age of 17, Randy set the world record for the longest time a human has gone without sleep by staying awake for 11 days and 25 minutes. 

In total, he managed to stay up for 264.4hours, that’s 4.4 hours more than the previous record held by Tom Rounds. During the experiment, he was closely monitored by health professionals and researchers. After all, an experiment of this magnitude can help scientists discover more about the effects of sleeplessness on various parts of our body. 

Funny enough, when asked why Randy had stopped the test after 11 days, he replied that he’d forgotten what he was doing. Understandably for someone who can stay up so long if you ask me! You might think, well how did he manage to stay up that long, I could never do that! 

That’s the same thing Gardner asked himself, and even though all odds were against him, he was still able to beat the researcher – WilliamDement – at pinball on the tenth day. 

What would happen if you stopped sleeping for a week?

The experiment had proven several things that do appear to inhibit a person’s ability as a consequence of long-term non-recovery of the body. John Ross, who was recording his health during the experiment, concluded the serious cognitive and behavioral changes. 

  • These included moodiness
  • problems with concentration and short-term memory
  • paranoia as well as hallucination. 
  • Going without sleep for such a long time puts your brain on a very different path. 
  • It will literally force you to take a nap as the body knows better than the mind when and if a goodnight sleep is necessary. 
  • This is why you will experience extreme fuzziness and headaches. 
  • Your body is telling you that it's long overdue to go on stand-by for at least a couple of hours so that some of the consequences of sleeplessness can be mitigated. 
  • Your eyelids will feel like heavy cement trying to shut the doors so that your brain can recover from constantly monitoring the environment. 
  • It is also reported that sudden muscle contractions and shaking of your body will occur. 
  • As harsh as going without sleep for longer than a week may sound, there were no long-term psychological or physical effects observed in Randy Gardner’s case. 
  • Further studies show that there is a negative impact on the heart in case of both sleeping less than 5 hours per night and sleeping long(more than 9 hours per night)
  • According to the AASM’s sleep statement, sleep deprivation can cause higher rates of breast cancer and prostate cancer. So simply the risk of cancer increases.
  • Even missing one night without sleep can affect your thinking capability. It can affect thinking ability, alertness, consciousness, decision making things.
  • Sleep deprivation has an impact on learning and memory.
  • In a study it had been found that lack of sleep can make you obese i.e, you can gain weight.
  • As many shift workers, drivers, etc are prone to accident as in case they are not getting enough sleep. Studies tell us that a person is three times more prone to road accidents.
  • The last one will motivate you to take proper rest, because it's about your looks!! Sleep deprivation also affects our skin, as it causes loosened skin, wrinkles, etc.
You should read this also;-

Highest Record of sleep deprivation;-

After setting the world record, he slept for14 hours and 40 minutes and awoke naturally around 8:40pm. Gardner appeared to have fully recovered from his loss of sleep, with follow up sleep recording taken one, six, and ten weeks after the fact showing no significant differences. As amazing as the Gardner case sounds, the record has been broken a number of times in the following years. The Australian National Sleep Research Project states the record for sleep deprivation is 18 days, 21 hours, and 40 minutes. That’s a whopping 1 week longer than Gardner! 


Researches say that sleep deprivation can cause severe health issues as mentioned above and even death. From my personal experience after 3 days without sleeping makes me irritated and frustrated also it compromise your decision-making ability and also gives you hallucination effects. There is a lack of energy, that needs not to be mentioned. They are recognized by experience and can't be ignored.

Maybe you can enjoy your next sleep better after hearing all the sleepless nights of the Gardner’s on this planet. 

Thank you for reading “What if you stopped sleeping”, don’t let the bed bugs bite. Did you manage to stay awake for a long period of time? How did you do it? Share your experiences in the comments below.