Sunday, April 12, 2020


                                     ( Image source:
Introverts (or those of us with introverted tendencies) tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.
Extroverts, on the other hand, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social.
I am an introvert myself, and I never see being an introvert is a problem. I don’t know why society consider introvert as an anti-social. Actually what I know is it is a whole biological process, we respond to dopamine in a different way. Extrovert are less sensitive to dopamine, so they need more of it to feel happy for that they talk more, socialize. On the other hand introvert are sensitive to dopamine, too much of dopamine can overstimulate us. So when we read, concentrate, spend more time alone, or being surrounded by our loved ones that we choose then it gives us happiness that extrovert can rarely feel.
( Image source:

Common introvert traits

  • ·       Spending more time alone as to get energized.
  • ·       Preferring small talk.
  • ·       Value one to one relationship.
  • ·       Prefer working in quiet.
  • ·       Focused on their interest.
  • ·       They don’t trust people easily.
  • ·       Expecting loyalty and honesty from their loved ones.
  • ·       Can be seen as reserved.

  • ·       They are anti-social;

   Many introverts are good speaker, also they can manage public events and enjoy presenting, making videos, interviewing and all other things that other people do. These thing have nothing to do with being introvert.

  • ·       They are selfish;

    As such nothing is proved anywhere or not in any book, and everyone is selfish what’s wrong in this!!

  • ·       They are shy;  

    They are not particularly shy but when it comes to mingling or networking things of type then they hesitate.

  • ·       They don’t make friend easily;

    Yes, it is right but it doesn’t mean that they didn’t like people, they hardly trust people as their behavior to their loved ones are appreciable.

Basically the main difference in introvert and extrovert is where we gain our energy.
I would like to share the quote from “THE ATLANTIC”
''For introverts, to be alone with our thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, as nourishing as eating.''

So if you are introvert then go with your flow, you need not to adjust or change according to our society. You have the tenacity to solve the complex problem. Just when you are focused then you will find your way to success and you find that your energy is boundless.
Just respect your introversion, and respect your need either for privacy or for being alone. Skip the small talk, meet the people you want or you select or you prefer to talk. Do whatever you feel like to do.
I realized and inspired to write this down by reading the book “QUIET” by SUSAN CAIN and “The highly sensitive person” by ELAINE N. ARON.

Before finishing this I want to say that our culture is biased against quiet and reserved people, but introvert are responsible for some of humanity’s greatest achievement. So prefer observing people more than speaking.

Thanks for reading it friends.😊